Hi, I'm Lauren Jefferson RN-BSN
I am passionate about patients having an experienced advocate and coach to help them navigate traumatic medical situations like cancer, debilitating injuries, or end of life care.
I started my medical journey as a Critical Care Technician at a ski area clinic. After receiving my Bachelors in Nursing in 2014, I have worked in a variety of settings and have special certifications in Trauma Nursing Core Course, Advanced Life support, Pediatric Life Support, and am a Board Certified Nurse Coach.
What is a Nurse Coach?
A Nurse Coach is an RN with at least 3 years of clinical experience who has specialized training in communication and in helping people actualize their own health goals. I am able to draw up an incredible variety of experiences to provide the best care to my patients.
Hobbies & Interests
Outside of work, I have a deep passion for exploring the wilderness, hiking, meditating, learning new skills, and enjoying good food with loved ones. All of these activities are a part of health. When I am pursuing what I love, eating well spending time with good people, I feel good and whole. It is apparent to me how important addressing all of the areas of life is essential to good health.
Let's Connect
Wellness, enjoyment of life, quality relationships, and feeling good in your body are all attainable goals regardless of your current health state. My job as a nurse is to help you connect the dots, gather the information and help you decide what goals are right for you.